Early in the afternoon of Christmas Eve (before church) my friends Kyra and Austin came over and we exchanged presents.
Here's Kyra, Austin and me having some quality time.
Oompah just can't seem to get everybody in the picture!
But here's Aunt Vickie, Frankie, Aunt Carolyn, Hilary, and Paige. Did I mention I loooove presents?
Do you like my bow?
Frankie made "yule log" cakes at school. I understand they were pretty good. (Mommy wouldn't let me have any)
Then we got up early on Christmas Day so we could open the presents that we didn't open yesterday and of course the presents from Santa!
This is more like it!
Did you need some help, Auntie Sarah?
Oompah's always good for a laugh!
This is my tree! Only Oompah and me know that he lets me touch it!
Then it was into my Christmas dress and off to Great-Grandma Patty's house for MORE PRESENTS and DINNER! I got my first raviolis--and were they good! Mmmmmm!
I think I woud love candy, if Mar-Mar would just open it for me!
Not even if I gave her my "sweetest girl" look?
Oh! She just didn't want me to spoil my dinner!
Did I mention that raviolis are great?
It's fun playing with the spoon when you're done, too!
You can't tell ME Santa isn't real!
I've still got a half-day to go! I'd better get some rest.
I finally met my Grandma and Grandpa on my Daddy's side of the family! That's me in the middle! Can you tell?
That's all for now, unless Oompah decides to focus just on ME, ME, ME and sends some old pictures or MarMar or Mommy take some new ones.
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